rowan tree blossom



Chaos reigns.

Bloomin' AMAZON have locked me out and I can't contact them. I don't buy things on Amazon except maybe a book every year or two. I'd rather support Better World Books and help send reading books to kids in need around the world. Every time I try to access my KDP account I am asked for a password which they reject. Then they reject my security thing as my credit card is expired and they haven't got the new details. Round and round we go until I reach a phone contact number. No emails any more. I struggle to hear on a bad international line and my male helper is an impatient male with a thick Afro-American accent. He's no use alas.

So, horror of horror I am stuck.

Yet more time wasted when I want to write.

Christmas is so hectic and I have promised to join we on-our-owns with homemade mince pies and my icecream Christmas pud. At least we will have a cheerful time those of us with families overseas.

Writing on hold as I get 'Salt Run' launched. I wish I had more time!




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