writer's choice
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 We are proud of our writers' co-operative, Writer's Choice, which acts like a traditional publisher for our members. Our novels are selected or rejected by the group and the whole group work hard beta reading and editing each novel, then when all are satisfied the novel is the best it can be, the member's book is professionally edited, proofread, a cover designed and finally re-read and approved by all. Only then is the novel published as a POD paperback and e-book with our quality fiction seal.

We are now in our tenth year and working hard to increase sales and write even better prize winning books. Born out of pure frustration with the traditional publishing system, we have thrived with the new one. We met on an online forum and when I expressed my annoyance with the traditional publishing world, and shared what one excellent agent had told me, we became a group of writers determined to be quality Independent Authors. We knew that we had publishable and marketable books which were being rejected for non-literary reasons like we were 'too old' to take on or the book was 'too different to sell'. We hoped that a co-operative where each member supported and promoted all the members' books would have more PR and selling power.

Our first published novel won the SanDiego Historical Fiction Award, our second rocketed up the Amazon top 100 best selling historical novels list, My 'Jacob' had already been short listed in two 'unpublished novel' competitions. In our second year our novels were short listed in the Amazon novel competition, the M M Bennetts Historical Fiction Award, the Wishing Shelf Independent fiction award, and the Historical Novel Society Independent Novel award. Our third year ended with the publication of another novel already short listed in a novel competition. It did collect that credit too. Our fourth year opened with another novel published and one more on its way. Yet again we are proud to announce that we had a prize winner. 'Four Nails' won the 2016-17 San Diego Historical Fiction Award. That was competition successes for us every year of our first four years. Writer's Choice gave us the chance to succeed when no one in the traditional publishing world would let us in. Now it's 2024, our 10th year beginning and we have released more short stories, a short story collection of Japanese 16thC stories and more stories on the way. My colleagues are still at work on their new projects. G.J. Berger's new historical mystery launched successfully. I really enjoyed reading the ARC copy and think he's written another winner. The memoir he's written using his mother's diaries is heart wrenching and already a best seller.

It is hard not to be childish and raise two fingers to the world of traditional agents and publishers. Being an independent co-operative group of writers has been rewarding, satisfying and extremely hard work, but worth it when readers let us know how much they have enjoyed our novels.

Featured Authors and Titles

Available in 2022

  • prize winning cover

'Tales From Old Japan' by p.d.r. lindsay 

Now launched: 'Wild Colonial Girl' This is an uplit (cheerful) historical novel set in 1898 to 1900. The novel is set in India, Australia and the bulk in New Zealand. Although there is a slightly more than my usual amount of romance it is not a romance but a serious historical, looking at how a young woman grows up, learns to cope and make choices and decisions for herself as best she can under 19thC social expectation for women. And Melisande is an amusing heroine!

  • pdr lindsay's Wild Colonial Girl

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Other Titles by Writer's Choice

'TIZZIE' by p.d.r. lindsay

In 1887 life can be difficult for a single woman. What do you do when you discover your family has tricked you out of your life and love?

'Tizzie' was a semi-finalist in the M.M. Bennetts Historical Fiction Award and a finalist in the Wishshelf Self Publishing Awards. It is gathering an impressive number of four and five star reviews and I am delighted.

'JACOB'S JUSTICE', by p.d.r.lindsay.

1642 and war treatens England so how do you protect your family and business from the bigots on both sides?.

Available at Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Kobo and any good book seller.

'WOMEN WAKING UP', by p.d.r. lindsay.

An anthology of short stories previously published in literary journals around the world.

These women have a chance to make a choice, or make a decision, which might affect them in a major way. What do they do?

Available at Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Kobo and any good book seller.

'BLOKES MUDDLING THROUGH' by  p.d.r.lindsay.

An anthology of short stories previously published in literary journals around the world.

Six different men, six different stories, six different outcomes. And if you are not willing to change what might happen?

Available at Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Kobo and any good book seller.

pdr lindsay's Smashwords Author Profile


Short stories in various genres by p.d.r. lindsay



A fascinating mostly true story of the real Hunger Games - courageous people led by a young She-warrior holding off the mighty and brutal oppressor, Rome. The novel won the San Diego historical fiction Book Award.

Available at Smashwords, Amazon, Barnes&Noble, Kobo and any good book seller.

'FOUR NAILS' by G.J. Berger

A compelling story about an Indian Mahout named Ashoka, who went from a slave to become a key member of Hannibal's incredible army. One of the fairest depictions of Hannibal and Cathage that you will see in print. One of the best fiction reads you will see this year.


Also wopn the San diego Historical Fiction Award

'A WOMAN TRANSPORTED' by Sharon Robards

'A Woman Transported is a grand sweeping story that takes the reader from the slums of London to the untamed splendour of Australia.'

Amazon Best seller and a stunning read.

'UNFORGIVEABLE' by Sharon Robards

'Unforgivable is the story of a teenage girl & a young nun caught up in the great religious & social upheaval brought on by Vatican II, & a thriving adoption industry driven by society’s fierce disapproval of unmarried mothers.'

'PLAYING WITH FIRE' by Sharon Robards

'Playing with Fire weaves together the threads of greed, lust, honour and brutality at the dawn of the Industrial age.'

'BURNT BY THE FLAME' by Sharon Robards

Politics, treachery and passion intertwine in this tale inspired by true events during the life of Princess Sophia Dorothea — the ancestress of the dynasty that reigns over Great Britain to this day.

Other Books and Authors

Find out more about www.writerschoice.org here.

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