rowan tree blossom

Here's an opening for one of the Holy Hell horror stories. Such fun to write.


We thought she was just a bit autistic, a bit odd and unfriendly for a vicar. It was me saw it first. There she stood, our new vicar, in our lovely dimly lit church, a sinister smile creeping across her face. Her eyes began to glow a deep, blood-red as her skin started to ripple and bulge. Hairs sprouted from the visible parts of her body, growing thicker and longer within an eye blink.

Her mouth opened but her screams were silent. only the sound of her frantic movements echoed throughout the church. Her arms elongated and twisted into gnarled, claw-like appendages. Her legs bent and contorted, reshaping into two thick, hairy hindquarters. And before I could react and run, the vicar transformed completely into a grotesque, hairy, red-eyed pig standing upright on its back legs.