rowan tree blossom


Information for the Media to use


p.d.r. lindsay (no capitals please in tribute to a favourite poet, e. e. cummings) makes New Zealand home. Born in Ireland, brought up in Yorkshire, educated in England, Canada and New Zealand, writer p.d.r. lindsay is also Mrs Salmon, Ms Lindsay-Salmon and even for eight years of her ten years in Japan, Professor Lindsay-Salmon. This wide experience of different cultures colours her writing and when the virus is under control will allow her to keep travelling.

Social issues are her main concern which is why she writes historical stories about ordinary people, the ones whose names and lives we don't know much about. Reading the diaries and letters of parsons and farmers, wives and daughters, merchants and tradesmen showed her how the basic human dilemmas do not change over the centuries. She finds that certain human traits, both good and bad, can be better shown through historical stories than through contemporary ones and hopes that readers will think about those failings as they apply to today.

Taking every advantage of her qualifications p.d.r. has lived and worked in Austalia, Canada, Japan, New Zealand and the U.K.. She has also travelled widely in the USA, Europe, India, ridden the Trans-Siberian railway in winter with a baby, and it was Communist Russia at the time too! She has spent some time in Denmark, Greenland, Korea, the Philippines, Singapore and Taiwan.


As a writer p.d.r. lindsay has always preferred historical stories about ordinary people, the ones whose names and lives we don't know much about. Reading the diaries and letters of parsons and farmers, wives and daughters, merchants and tradesmen showed her how the basic human dilemmas do not change over the centuries. She finds that certain human traits both good and bad, can be better shown through historical stories than through contemporary ones and hopes that her readers will think about those failings as they apply to today.

70 WORD C.V.

p.d.r. lindsay, a traveller, makes New Zealand home. Born in Ireland, brought up in Yorkshire, educated in England, Canada and New Zealand, p.d.r. lindsay writes historical stories about ordinary people, those whose names and lives we don't know much about. She finds that certain human traits can be better shown through historical stories than contemporary ones and hopes that her readers will think about those failings as they apply to today.


Author p.d.r. lindsay - (no capitals please in tribute to a favourite poet, e. e. cummings) - is passionate about words, feels the loss of people like Shakespeare, those who wrote the King James Bible, poets who made words dance, like Gerard Manley Hopkins. She's published over 100 short stories, 3 anthologies and four novels and prefers historical stories for novels because she finds she can say things to readers in historical settings which readers might not accept in modern settings. She is concerned that certain social issues make repeat appearances over the centuries and likes her readers to think about those situations which her characters find themselves in whilst enjoying their company. Novel five is incubating around another serious social issue.
Find her at: and on social media.

'Tizzie' by p.d.r. lindsay was short listed in the Bookbzz Best Book competition, short listed in the Wishing Shelf Independent Book Awards and the M.M. Bennetts Award for Historical Fiction Association. 'Tizzie' was chosen as Editor's Choice & short listed for the Historical Novel Society historical fiction award.

‘Jacob’s Justice’ by p d r lindsay – short listed in the UK Writers' Unpublished Novel competition. Long listed in the Wishing Shelf Awards.

‘Bittersweet’ by p.d.r. lindsay long listed in the Wishing Shelf awards.

‘Wild Colonial Girl’ short listed in the 50 best novels of the year. Near miss in the Wishing Shelf Awards!

‘Women Waking Up’ by p d r lindsay – prize winning short stories

‘Blokes Muddling Through’ by p d r lindsay - prize winning short stories

‘Tales From Old Japan’ by p.d.r. lindsay – Edo period short stories first published in online magazines. The cover won the Wishing Shelf Cover Award Bronze medal

Individual short stories published as Writer's Choice Shorts were all published first in journals, magazines, zines, and podcasts.



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